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How To Secure WordPress: Best Tips To Secure Your Website

How To Secure WordPress: Best Tips To Secure Your Website

Currently WordPress is responsible for more than 25% of the internet content and that is why it is frequently attacked by hackers. It is essential to secure your WordPress site to save your data, functionality of the site, and your visitors’ information.

In this blog post, we will discuss more about the best tips for securing your WordPress website. Let’s dive into it!

Introduction to WordPress Security

WordPress security is a process of securing WordPress website against various malicious attacks with the help of a set of practices. It is an obligation of every website owner to ensure they put in place proper measures that will help to safeguard their site from being hacked. Below are the best tips to use when you want to protect your WordPress site.

1. Keep WordPress Updated

Another common yet very effective method of WordPress security is to ensure that the site is updated. This include the WordPress core, themes and plugins. New versions are often developed to fix security issues and enhance the program’s performance. This way, all the weaknesses are covered, and there is no way someone can take advantage of the system through existing flaws.

Action Steps:

2. Use Strong Passwords and User Permissions

One of the biggest mistakes users make is using easy to guess passwords. Make sure that all the user accounts that you have created on your WordPress site have strong passwords. Also, pay attention to the user management feature to restrict the access of users based on the roles they have been assigned.

Action Steps:

3. Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security feature that makes users to input two types of identification before they are allowed into their accounts. This often includes a password and a code on a mobile device.

Action Steps:

4. Secure Your Login Page

WordPress login page is one of the most frequently targeted pages in brute force attacks. Enhancing its security can help to avoid such attempts by unauthorized people.

Action Steps:

5. Use Secure Connections with VPNs

Connecting to the internet through VPNs is secure especially when accessing your WordPress site from public or insecure networks.

A VPN helps in protecting your connection and no one can easily get your data as it is encrypted.

Action Steps:

6. Use a Security Plugin

WordPress security plugins are plugins that offer a complete package in the protection of your WordPress website. These include; Malware scanning, Firewall protection, and activity monitoring.

Action Steps:

7. Secure Your Hosting Environment

Indeed, it is your hosting provider that has a huge influence on the security of your website. Select the hosting provider with high security standards to protect your website from hacking.

Action Steps:

8. Backup Your Site Regularly

Disaster recovery is crucial, and this is why regular backups should be a part of any organization. This is important in the case of a security breach for example, having a recent backup means that a lot of data will not be lost and the company will not be down for a long time.

Action Steps:

9. Monitor and Limit File Uploads

Enabling users to upload files can be dangerous if not well controlled in terms of security. It is therefore dangerous to allow the uploading of malicious files on your site since they can pose a threat to the security of your site.

Action Steps:

10. Harden Your WordPress Configuration

There are specific changes that can be made to the configuration files of WordPress to improve security.

Action Steps:

11. Educate Your Team

It is important that all the people who are responsible for managing your WordPress site should have adequate knowledge of security measures. The human factor remains one of the biggest threats to security in organizations.

Action Steps:


WordPress security is not a one time process and it needs constant attention and time. Following the tips mentioned in this post, it is possible to minimize the threats of getting a virus and guarantee the safe surfing of your site for the visitors. Just to remind you that the security threats are constantly emerging, so do not let your guard down and be vigilant.

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