The Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Successful E-Newsletter

If you weren’t aware already, e-newsletters are the same as regular newsletters. Rather than being sent through the post, however, they are delivered to customers and clients via email. They form an essential part of most email marketing campaigns.

Want to create a successful #enewsletter? This article will teach you how it's done! Share on X

There are several reasons why e-newsletters are so effective at advertising. They build your relationships with customers and increase traffic to your website or social media pages; they help to establish your brand and send the right messages at the right time; they also provide useful information to your customers and deliver relevant updates, too.

As you can see, e-newsletters are an incredibly valuable tool for marketing. However, most business owners don’t actually know how to go about creating one that is genuinely successful. So, this will be the subject of our article today. Keep reading to find out the basics of creating an effective e-newsletter.

Ensure It’s Attractive

Newsletter on phone

We might not like to admit it, but we do make a lot of judgments based on how something looks, so it’s not a wonder why everyone hires an app designer to ensure that the visual aspect is exceptional. This principle also applies to e-newsletters. If the message looks ugly or boring, then customers might think it looks unprofessional and won’t want to read it. As such, it’s worth putting some time and money into making your e-newsletter look attractive.

We recommend using newsletter software to complete this task. These programs will help you to create the perfect template for your emails – including their colours, themes, and layout. By making your e-newsletter look professional and aesthetically-pleasing, you can entice people into reading.

Don’t Send Manually

The main reason why email marketing is so appealing to businesses is that it’s cost and time effective – but only if you’re using email marketing software that delivers the messages automatically. Otherwise, you will spend hours and hours clicking copy, paste, and send.

This method also isn’t very effective at reaching the customers when you need to.

Email marketing software, on the other hand, can send your e-newsletters in bulk batches at scheduled times. They will also only be delivered to the relevant clients. So, avoid sending your e-newsletter manually and instead invest in software for the best possible results.

Intriguing Subject Lines

Woman showing phone to friends

The subject line is the headline of your email. It’s the first thing your client or customer will see when your e-newsletter arrives in their box. This means it needs to be eye-catching and intriguing, calling your reader to action. But how exactly does one achieve this with their subject line?

Firstly, you should try using evocative language. For example, there’s a big difference between saying something is a “good deal” versus a “brilliant deal”.

Next, your subject line should use imperative language and convey a sense of urgency. This means your customers are more likely to open the e-newsletter immediately, as opposed to letting it get buried in their inbox.

Finally, put some consideration into what the subject line says. Does it sound genuinely intriguing? Your audience’s interests should always come first and foremost.

That sounds like a lot, right? Don’t worry, if you’re a little lost on what subject lines are most effective, you can check out examples online. And further down the line, you can try out different flavors of subject lines and see what works best with your unique audience.

Include Different Links

One of the main purposes of e-newsletters is to increase traffic to your business’s website and social media pages. That’s why you need to include links within your email. These will take your customers where you want them to go, such as your latest range of products.

But how does one integrate links into their e-newsletter? We recommend starting with hyperlinks. You should include these within the actual text of your email. Try using the relevant key phrase when doing so.

For example, if you are linking to a webpage about “wood flooring”, use the phrase “wood flooring” to integrate the link. You can also create e-newsletter links by using inserts like buttons or images. These are a more seamless way to take customers or clients to the appropriate webpage.

Relevant & Newsworthy Content

Special deal sign

To create a successful e-newsletter, you need to make sure that the content within is newsworthy and relevant. Otherwise, your customers and clients will become irritated and could potentially mark your emails as spam (which is really bad news for your marketing campaign). Therefore, you should only write e-newsletters when you have new, interesting information to share.

We also recommend using email marketing software that sorts and categorises your messages, so only the relevant persons will receive this message.

Now, let’s discuss what constitutes newsworthy content. Generally, this includes announcing your new range of products/services, seasonal specials, discounts, offers, and competitions, plus releasing statements on topical news. These things are all newsworthy and will be of interest to your customers. This should also help to drive more traffic and sales to your website.


We hope that you have found this beginner’s guide on creating a successful e-newsletter helpful. Follow our advice, and you’ll be well on your way to creating an engaging email marketing campaign.