Top Tips on How to Get More Email Subscribers

Let’s face it – there is a lot of competition out there when it comes to email marketing. People’s inboxes have never been fuller in this fast-paced digital world, and as such – they are getting more selective as to what they sign up to and when.

Need more #email #subscribers? Follow the tips mentioned in this article, and that will become a reality in no time! Share on X

Here, we have put together some top tips as to how you can get more email subscribers.

Tell Everyone About the Email Subscription

What is email marketing worth when people don’t subscribe to your emails? Not a lot, unfortunately. That’s why it’s important to shout about it and make the option to sign up easily visible on your website.

Man with megaphone

If it’s not easy to opt-in – then you will see a smaller number of users subscribe to your content. You can even add the option for people to subscribe on your email signature and on social media to make it as accessible as possible for users at every angle.

Show the User there is Immediate Value

When the messaging to get people to sign up for a newsletter is fairly generic – such as “sign up now” or “subscribe now” – the user is far less likely to submit their email address on your website. You need to give them immediate value.

This could be that they sign up to receive regular tips or advice or that they get access to an exclusive offer or piece of content.

A fantastic way to go is to create so-called “lead magnets” specifically to attract email signups. Generally, these lead magnets are free resources with a high perceived value, like ebooks, whitepapers, cheat-sheets, or checklists that become available as soon as a website visitor signs up for your list.

If they get instant gratification, then they are much more likely to act.

Make your Emails Shareable

In order to spread the word, it’s important that you make your emails shareable to the readers. That way, your existing subscribers can let their friends know to subscribe if they find your content useful or valuable.

Person checking emails

You can do this by adding social buttons at the bottom of the emails where they can share on their social media channels or the facility for them to copy the link so it can be sent via WhatsApp, Skype, etc. By doing this, you have the potential to reach many more people.

Make Sure you Split Test Your Campaigns

It’s important that you direct the right kind of content to the intended user in order to make their campaigns successful; you should split test them to see which emails work best. This can be the way the content is worded, the time of day you send, or even the images that are within the emails.

Once you have the analytics for these emails, you can then create a user persona and perfect your content.

The more relevant your content is, the more likely you are to get this shared across the board.

Create an effective sign-up form

This might sound like a bit of a no-brainer, but having a sign-up form that’s straightforward and well-designed is an absolute must if you want to grow your email list.

Unfortunately, many websites use forms that are impractical, too long, or plain ugly.

Instead, use a solid form-builder plugin and spend some time designing a form that hits all your website visitors’ sweet spots.

Most form builder plugins offer drag-and-drop builders and a wide range of customization options to help you build forms for any occasion – from booking appointments to signing up for your email list.

Once you’re happy with your design, do some A/B testing to pinpoint exactly what works best with your audience to get you the most sign-ups.


If you are thinking about creating email marketing campaigns, then make sure you implement some of the strategies we have mentioned to gain as many email subscribers as possible. The more valuable subscribers you have, the more likely you are to acquire and retain customers using that medium.